HoneyMoon Part 2

Mark and I leaving on the jet plane to Mexico
Finally home - So we made it back safe and sound and we are totally missing the heat!

Day 1
We started out leaving the house around noon, and got to the airport with lots of time to spare. So we just hung around the airport waiting to count down until our plane would leave. Anyways are plane was delayed and since we weren't going to make it to Mexico on time they had to leave some luggage from getting on to the plane and 40 people went to Mexico with just the clothes on there backs and there carry on. Lucky we Finally home. After a week in the hot sun we have come home to some lovely white stuff. Gross, is all I can say! Anyways we had a great trip. It was so much fun. But I am guessing that some people didn't have a great first day. What happened was that our flight was delayed going to Mexico. Surprise!!! Well I guess that since our flight was delayed but so much that they didn't have enough time to load everyone were not one of those 40 people. We were so excited that it wasn't us. Anyway when we finally arrived in Cancun we could not believe the heat. What a total heat wave. It was WONDERFUL!!! Anyways we headed out of the airport and we greeted by our hotel driver and were whisked off for a week in the SUN!.

Day 2
We didn't do to much, just tried to figure our way around the place, and just hang by the pool and get a great tan. This is the view from our room! So nice.
Day 3
We ventured out and decided to take a walk outside the resort down to the mall. They told us it was about a 1/2 hour walk. Which didn't seem like that long, until you get walking. Oh my goodness the heat was a killer. We didn't think that we were going to make it to the mall. Which we finally did. So we decide to take the bus back to the resort. Which was a good plan. Anyways when we were in the mall we shopped of course, and ended up getting some really cool stuff. Like a couple of Mexican blankets. Which always come in handy.
Day 4
We not very eventful. Just stayed by the pool all day and worked on my tan, and finished my House of Night Book!! Which I am so mad that the next one Burned doesn't come out until April I think. Really they leave you with such a huge Cliff hanger and then they want you to wait. Come on. Anyways after dinner we went to this Mexican Show. It was great. They had a Mexican Band play, and they had Mayan Dancers and they had a Roster fight. It was really neat to see. I could not believe the dancers they were great.
Day 5
We finally decide to go on a extersion. We went to this well that is made from Nature. It was so cool. The water inside was really strong and heavy on your body. But so cool to look at. Then we headed off to Chitniza. Which is now one of the seven wonders of the world. Which is pretty cool. We also stopped at this Mayen restaurant for lunch and boy was that food amazing!! But I don't think I should have eaten as much as I did, because I ended up sick for the next two days. Totally not fun at all. Then when we came back we headed off to watch a Circus Show that the resort was putting on. Totally cool. I can't believe what they could do.
Day 6
Today we took the bus to the flea market. Where I bought a really cute yellow sundress and Mark bought some Cigars for his friends, when Baby Paddle arrives which should be around January 16. Then we headed off to Walmart Cancun. Can you believe it. Walmart is in Cancun, it was pretty neat to see. They had everything. Plus this huge liquor part. Which had to be about 8 or 9 isles long. Totally cool. Then we came back to the resort and just bummed around.
Day 7
Still not feeling well, we just hung around the resort, and didn't do to much. We did end up going to a Stars show at night which was pretty fun. They had Micheal Jackson, Cher, Vanilla Ice, JLO, Madonna, Sherkia and of course TINA TURNER, who was a drag queen. YES I said it, there was a drag queen doing Tina, and she was amazing. She looked a lot like the real one.
Day 8
Home Sweet Home, so we finally made it to the end of the week. Yes I was so glad to be able to get back home. I think being gone for a week we just the right amount of time. We had a great time and I totally loved the heat. But I was glad that we got to go home. We didn't end up at the house until 5 in the morning. But I was glad that we got home safe and sound.

PS - I can also mark off my 101 in 1001 days - Go to a another Country!
Nice Tans - Hanging out in the Mexican Airport


Well tomorrow is the day, we have been waiting for for a while. We are finally going on our real Honeymoon. Yes that's right folks we are leaving for MEXICO tomorrow. I am so excited. I think it's going to be a great time. Plus we are staying at one of the best resorts. The Grand Osias in Cancun. I can't wait to get out of this crappy weather we are having. Totally not liking the wind. I can deal with the snow but we haven't really had any. It's just the wet cold. BRRRR. I can't wait to walk off that plane into the HEAT!!!

So our plane is suppose to land around 6, tomorrow night. Which shouldn't be to bad of a time to arrive. Then we come home really late. I think we wont be in the house until like 3:30 in the morning. But we get the day in Mexico. Which should be a fun time. I plan to totally veg out and not really do anything but drink and sit by the beach and soak up some rays!!!

Anyways I should get back to packing as I still have a few things that need to be packed still.

Can't wait till tomorrow. Pink fruity drinks here I come!

Love it.


So tonight is the Night. GLEE.

Yes I know it's already started and I am typing this as I watch. This has to be one of the best shows for the Fall. I was so excited when this came on. It's different they other High School Shows. It something makes we want to go back to Highschool just to start a Glee club. Anyways I have to say, that Kurt totally rocks. He is such a cute Gay guy. Way to funny.

Anyways I should get back to my show.

I can't wait for the new season in January!!! LOVE GLEE

101 Things in 1001 Days

101 THINGS in 1001 DAYS - START DATE DECEMBER 10, 2009

Marriage and Family
1. "Date Night" with Mark once a month (3/33)
2. Surprise Mark with a gift just because
3. Get pregnant
4. Buy a kitten
5. Host Easter Dinner for both Mark's family and mine
6. Host my family for dinner
7. Host Mark's family for dinner
8. Have dinner with my parents once a month (3/33)
9. Create living wills

ind, Body & Soul
10. Lose 5lbs.
11. Go a week with out weighting myself
12. Complete some form of exercise at least 3 times per week (0/146)
13. Read at least one book per month (3/33)
14. Give up soda for a week
15. Get through a whole month with out a frozen dinner
16. Get a massage
17. Indulge in a few pedicures (0/5)
18. Get my hair highlighted
19. Take up swimming for exercise
20. Give up liquor for a month
21. Go to the eye Doctor
22. Don't eat chocolate for a week
23. Stay away from the Candy Jar on my desk for a week
24. For one week, go to bed at 9:00 pm just to read
25. Eat dinner with the television off for one week
26. Eat dinner with the television off for one month
28. After baby, get back to pre-pregnancy weight

Home Is Where the Heart Is
29. Finish the bathroom in the basement
30. Tile the floor in the basement bathroom and laundry Room
31. Clean out baking cabinet - Finished Feb 28, 2010
32. Paint Bed frame for guest bedroom
33. Paint the walls in the guest room
34. Empty entire fridge and clean it out, and put everything back in
35. Reorganize kitchen cabinets
36. Figure out something to do with the old window frame
37. Change around the living room

All Work, No Play
38. Do an enjoyment photo shoot
39. Do photo shoot with Leanne and Parker
40. Do a photo shoot with Dawn and Sandy
41. Upgrade my computer
42. Upgrade my Camera
43. Photo shoot with Lucky
44. Start Tutu Business Website
45. Do a photo shoot of my tutu's
46. Get a better job

Hit the Open Road
47. Travel to as least six different cities for weekend getaways/ vacations (1/6)
48. Travel to a foreign country (not including USA) - COMPLETED TRIP TO MEXICO
49. Go to New York City during the Christmas season
50. Start a Newly Weds Map
51. Go Camping
52. Go to another province
53. Go to a Hockey Game
54. Take a day trip to a park and have a picnic

I Love Food
55. Try at least two new recipes a month (0/66)
56. Eat salad for lunch for one week
57. Go out for Breakfast (0/5)
58. For one week, make meals that can only be made with ingredients already in our cupboards (excluding perishables - vegetables and dairy)
59. Eat yogurt every day for a week
60. Bake something without Chocolate
61. Try oatmeal again

Friends Are Forever
62. Talk to my best friend every two weeks (0/73)
63. Get together with "the girls" from college at least three times per year (0/3)
64. E-mail friends at least once per month (0/33)
65. Catch up with an old friend
66. Host a Hill Billy Party
67. Send birthday cards to all my friends and family in 2010

Pinching Pennies
68. Deposit some extra money into savings after every paycheck (0/73)
69. Increase the percentage of my income that is put into my retirement account

70. Buy an I-phone
71. Buy a Mac
72. Buy New Cake pans
73. Buy a Nintendo Wii

Pay It Forward
74. Join the Breast Cancer Society
75. Clean out closet twice a year and donate old clothes to Charity (0/6)
76. Donate Blood
77. Donate $ to Charity (0/5)
78. Mail packages to soldiers through Operation Baking Gals (0/10)

Just for Fun
79. Do a wine tour
80. Go to an amusement park
81. Go tubing in the snow
82. Go to the local museum
83. Get pictures taken in photo booth
84. Go to the drive in movies
85. Host a holiday cookie swap

Hobbies and Skills
86. Blog at least 5 times per month (2/33)
87. Start my wedding scrapbook
88. Learn to knit
89. Sew a dress
90. Make a quit - Finished for Adian James Paddle
91. Finish scrap booking 2008

Capture the Memories
92. Get photo's printed and framed to hang in front hallway
93. Get photo's printed to hang in bedroom
94. Take more home videos
95. Design a honeymoon album and get it printed
96. Participate in Project 365

No More Procrastinating
97. Finally give album changes to photographer so we can finish our wedding album - Finished March 1, 2010
98. Delete My Space profile
99. Start my own Tutu Business

101 in 1001
100. Donate $1 to charity for every item on this list that I do not complete
101. Start a new 101 things in 1001 days list once this one is completed

My Favourite Things

No, not Oprah's. Mine.
I was thinking about this the other day and how are it would be just to pick six things that make me happy. It is going to be hard. Anyway, on to some of the "little things in life" that make me happy.

1. A cuddly Kitty
I love going to my parents house and walking in the door and there is my little button waiting on the top of the steps for me to come in the house. Then follows me around while I unpack my stuff and waits for a drink in the bathroom sink. He is so cute when you turn on the shower all he wants to do is come in with you. Then his hair goes all curly and he smells a little funny. But when he comes in my bedroom at Seven in the morning and just wants to cuddle you just can't say no. I also love when he is sleeping on his chair in the dinning room and he goes to stretch out and ends up looking like a log. Way to funny!!

2. Shoes
I am totally obsessed with shoes. I love any kind of shoe. From Flip Flops to High heel boots. They always fit and you can usually find your size. Plus they come in great colours. I think that if I wanted to I could go for two months and not wear the same pair of shoes. I might just have to try that this Spring and Summer.

3. Fresh Baked Cookies
I love the smell of fresh cookies when the first come out of the oven. They just make my mouth water. I always wonder if I just eat one. But then I remember that they are extremely hot and not cooled down enough for human consumption.

4. Books
I love going into a book store or the library and trying to find a book for my mood. I usually ended up with some romance or teen drama but I enjoy almost anything. Sometimes I will adventure over to Suspense. I love to sit in front of a fire and just read a good book and cuddle with a nice warm blanket. 5. Sunny days.My mood is automatically better if it's sunny out. Weather plays a huge part in establishing how I feel every day. It could be colder than Antarctica outside, but if it's sunny, the day is 100x better than if it's cloudy. I just absolutely love the sunshine.6. Halloween
Halloween has to be one of the best holidays out there. It's the only day that you can dress up like a princess to something deadly, and no one cares. Plus you have all the little kids come down the street ringing your doorbell asking for candy in there cute little costumes. How can you say no to a trick or treater.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into my crazy mind and some of its simple pleasures.

Four Weeks of Work Out Hell

So last night I started my long process of the four week work-out "Hip Hop Abs".

So hubbie and I have finally booked our official honeymoon. We are headed to the warm sands of Cancan Mexico, in December. I can't wait. It is going to be a fun time. Anyways since I would like to wear a two piece since they are the only ones that I have. I wanted to make sure that I had some kick butt abs. Plus make sure I don't put on any of the winter weight that for some reason always ends up sneaking up on you around this time of the year.

So I have broken down and gotten out the Hip Hop Abs. I usually find good results with these tapes. I just need someone to put me to get my butt moving that's all. So I have enlisted the hubbie to help with that. I am getting him to make sure that I work out every night for four weeks +.

So last night after I finished my first session I felt great. I had energy and everything. So when I woke up this morning, I could not move. My shoulders were so sore and everything. Totally not fun at all. But I am still going to get back at it tonight. Hopefully the pain will be better tomorrow.

Carmel Apples

I know, I know, I know. I totally dropped off the face of the earth. But I have a good reason. It has been just so crazy around my house. Everything to do with Halloween and of course the whole H1n1 going around. We have had so many people of sick it is just crazy.

Anyway I am going to try and catch you up on all the events that have been happening around me. So first of all, I tried Carmel apples that other day for the first time. I couldn't believe how much fun they are to make. Plus they taste amazing. The only thing I suggest is that you don't leave them out for to long or they will start to drip and then no more Carmel :( Anyways I ended up making them for Besties birthday party round 2. Which I will let you know more about soon. So with out further a dew here are the Carmel apples.

I wanted to make them a little different then usual so I added skor bits to them and they turned out great.

You will need:

10 Granny Smith Apples

75 unwrapped Kraft carmels

Sticks for the apples

3Tbsp of water

1. WASH and dry 10 apples thoroughly. Insert stick into stem end of each apple.

2. MICROWAVE 75 unwrapped Kraft Caramels with 3 Tbsp. water in large glass measure or mixing bowl on HIGH for 3 to 3-1/2 minutes or until sauce is smooth when stirred.

3. DIP apples into hot caramel sauce and turn until coated. Scrape off excess sauce from bottom of apples and decorate*.

4. Place on tray lined with waxed paper. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Now Gossip girl is about to start
Kimberly xoxo

Bestie's Birthday

So last weekend was Bestie's birthday. Well Friday the 16th. So of course we had to go out for it. Anyways we ended up heading to Dave and Busters all 6 of us. It was a great time. We had dinner and then finished off by playing a few games in the midway. Of course they had Dance Dance revolution, and me being in heels of course had to try it out. Boy was the a huge mistake. Well what can I say I am totally do not work with heels a little alcohol and coronation. Oh well maybe I will be better next time. HE HE HE.

Anyways for Besties birthday I wanted to make something special so I ended up with a wonderful chocolate cake made from scratch with vanilla icing and black and pink fondant which I made myself. Anyways here is a few pictures of what became the best morning cake ever. Yes I said morning cake. Because well we didn't get home all to early and weren't really in the mood for food. So when we got up we had it for breakfast. Best idea ever bestie!!!

Anyways on to the photos. I hope you enjoy!

Turkey Time

So the time as come again. It's Thanksgiving. Which has to be one of the best holidays. You get a day off work plus you get to eat as much pumpkin pie as you want. Who could ask for more. Really is there anything better. I think not!

So for the long weekend we headed by to my little home town. Where the fair was on. I have been going to the fair since forever. When we were in Elementary school and high school we use to get the Tuesday off before Thanksgiving and we would go and cheer for your school and show school sprit.

Anyways as we are not in school anymore we had to go on the weekend which was as much fun as ever. We always stop to get Fudge and of course you have to have some Taffy. You just can't turn it down. Then make sure you get some of the butterfly chips which are to die for. Then when you are ended the day at the fair you can take a ride down the fun slide and stop in a see the largest pumpkin. Which this year was a whopping 1410lbs. Can you believe that someone could grow something so big. WOW just WOW.

Happy Birthday to my Blog

So Blog we have come a long way. I can't believe that you are one. So for your special day I have made you a wonderful cake. Which I can't wait to bite into tonight. Well actually I made it as a test for my friend Jessi's birthday party. But why not try it out for something fun. Anyways I can't believe that my blog is one! That is so exciting, that I should really set some goals for this coming year. Like maybe to write in my blog more then I have this past year. Stuff like that. I was also thinking about doing the 100 in 1001 days. I think it will be a neat little boost. Anyways if you haven't heard of 100 in 1001 days. What it is, you have to set your self some realistic goals for the coming two years. Things that you think you can manage. Its a great goal to strive for and it is a ton of fun to do. I have started my list and am hoping to be able to start the first of November.

Saturday with my Bestie

So Saturday was spent with my best friend.

I ended up going to Toronto for the day to spend time with my friends Jessi and Deeps. Well it turns out the Deeps had to cancel as she was so sick and her usual medication was not helping at all.

Anyways my trip into the big city. Well I had a great day. I picked Jessi up at her place and then we headed down town to visit my brother. Who lives just off of King Street. Anyways when we finally got to his place we headed to Queen Street. We had a great time walking around and looking in all the stores. It was so much fun. We got to see a movie being made right down on Queen Street. It was so cool. They had a chase scene and they were using all of these Taxi's cabs and they had a NY city police car. WAY cool. Then they were shooting this one scene with a whole bunch of guys dresses in SWAT. We were thinking that if we had time we would go and see if we could be extras in the movie. I think that it would have been way to much fun. Anyways we headed back to Rob's place to drop him off, and then headed to the Cupcakery.

Well the Cupcakery. What can I say. They have the best after eight cupcakes I have ever had. Well this is the first time I am ever trying them, but they were so wonderful. Jessi couldn't believe that they are charging $2.50 a cupcake. I told that what they usually charge if you go any where else also. She just couldn't believe it.

Then we headed to the first of three Dollar Stores. That's right we hit up three DOLLAR STORES. Oh my god did my feet ever hurt plus it was raining totally not a fun thing to do in the rain.

Anyways we finally found what we were looking for at the last dollar store of course. Isn't that how it always goes. Oh well. It was a fun time. We found these IV bags filled with candy liquid that looks like blood. It has to be one of the grossest things I have ever seen. So of course we had to get some for the Halloween party. They are going to be a huge hit I hope. Then we also picked up some blood hand prints and feet. So cool.

So after our adventure in the land of dollar stores we headed to the movies. We went and saw FAME!!! It was great. We had seen the play together when it was at the Royal Alexander or the Princess I can't remember. Anyways we couldn't wait for them to come out with the movie. It was really good. I just didn't like that they had to leave the best song for last. Which is of course. FAME. So as Jessi and I watched we totally had to sing. It was in our blood.

After FAME we headed back to Jessi's place for a night of tie dying. Mark's friend's wife is having a baby and she is due in January and I had though that it would be a fun idea if I had tie dyed oneies for her. So they turned out great. Jessi and I couldn't believe who neat they looked. But on a sad note. We couldn't find anything else in her apartment that we could dye. We were totally on a dye high. Then we ended up watching Strike, which is such a funny movie and hanging out and then I headed for the home land. I couldn't believe all the rain that I had to get though to get home. Totally not called for. This is September not April.

Well I got home safe and sound and headed right to bed. It was a long day!

Friday = Nothing to do!

So it's Friday night and I am out of things to do. I have already started the gave stones for the Halloween party, and finished cutting out the headstones for the invitations and now I am just sitting around thinking of more things that I can do for the party.

I can't wait to start setting everything up on next weekend. Mark said that since it's the first of the month everything can turn to Halloween!!! I am so excited.

So for tonight I am just sitting at home taking it easy and watching some TV. I can't believe all the shows that there is to watch right now. I love the end of September.

Well calling it a night and going to go and rel ex and watch some TV!!!

Halloween Time Agian!!

So the count down is on.....Halloween is just around the corner. I can't wait. Halloween has to be my favourite holiday of all time. Plus a big bonus is that this year it's on a Saturday! So that means that I get to plan the party of the year. Well besides my wedding that is. HE HE HE. I can't wait I hit up the dollar store after work tonight for decorations. I think I think I could have spent way over 40 dollars in there, getting supplies. But I had to remember that I still have not gotten out my stuff from last year. Well this year I am hoping to go as a Mummy. I have already started to put together my costume and I think it's going to be a killer. Plus I have started making the grave stones for everyone who is coming. That will sit outside on the lawn, as long as it doesn't rain or snow. EW. That's all we need.

Plus I am still trying to think about what I am going to do for the dinner part of the night. I am totally going to make Pumpkin Cupcake Pops. You can't go wrong with them. Plus Mark will be able to eat them because they don't have chocolate in them. SWEET!!! I was thinking of doing a punch with the frozen hand it in it. Plus I picked up the Martha Stewart Halloween Magazine. She is my idol. Except for the whole jail thing. Anyways she has some great idea's for halloween food in her book.

Now I just have to finish the invitations which are going to be little grave stones with bloody writing on them. I hope my friends enjoy. I will post pictures when they are finshed and printed.

Now it's time to go and count down until GRAY'S!!!

Operation Baking Gals

So it's time again to say thanks to the soldiers over in the east. I have joined this group called Operation Baking Gals. Where they take a solider and send him home baked cookies. It is such a wonderful cause, and you are doing something great for North America. What you do is you join a team and they give you a solider who is in need of a little extra love this month. Then you bake cookies and a letter about your self, letting them now whats going on around you and things that are happening in the real world. I can't wait to get started on baking my cookies. I am thinking about going for a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie this time. I hope they enjoy!

Weekend of the Whale

Well this weekend Mark and I took his friends Travis, Sonya, Sandy and Dawn to Marineland. We had a great time on Saturday. We spent the whole day at Marineland and then off to Mac and Angelo's for dinner. Then everyone ended up at our place for drinks. It turned out to be a great day.

So we started off by watching the cute walrus. They have two of them and we came at the right time to watch them as they were feeding. They were so cute.

Then off to watch the main show. It was great. It was a little cold in the shade but we had fun. There were seals, Dolphins, and a big Walrus. I loved watching the dolphins flip in the air. They are so graceful. At the end of the show we had a Walrus blowing us kisses good-bye.

Then for my favourite mammal. The beluga Whale. I think they are so graceful and they are so smooth and just always have a smile. I really wanted to feed them but I didn't want to pay the money. So we just skipped over that part. Then we headed down to the Killer Whale show. So we had time before the show started to so we went down to watch them from the underground viewing. What we didn't expect to see was the whales having sex. Way to funny. I wasn't sure how the parents were going to explain that to there children.

After we finished with the animals we headed to the rides. I was brave and went on Dragon Mountain. Which I don't think I would do again. Boy was I scared. Plus I smashed my ear on the side of my arm rest going around one of the loops. Totally not cool at all. Then everyone wanted to head up the mountain to the drop zone ride. I could not believe how long it took us to walk up the hill. But it ended out day on a good note.

Married Life

Well it's the end of single life finally. Two weeks ago tomorrow I married my best friend. It turned out to be such a great day. So in the Morning I was getting just a little bit stressed. We started out with walking up to a huge down pour of rain. Totally not called for at all. Then we made it to the hair dressers and had a great time hanging out there. Then when we were finished we packed up and headed home in another huge down pour. Finally around noon the skys finally closed up and we ended up with a wonderful afternoon. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

We had photo's taken at the house and Mark had one of the groomsmen drop flowers off for me, he had brought me white roses from a place in Niagara on the lake. They smelled so nice. Then we headed for the church, and boy was that an adventure trying to get me in the car. We finally made it and my dad and I were getting ready to walk down the isel one of my friends Wally started crying and my dad was like running down the isel with me. It was way to funny. Everyone was like slow down. Finally we were at the front, and I got to be with Mark. It was so much fun.

More later.

The Big One Month Mark

The Big One Month Mark

So yesterday was one month to go until the big day! August 22, 2009. I can't believe that is is coming up so fast. I remember back also most two years when we first got engaged. Wow how time fly's.

I am on schedule with everything which is a bonus, and I am hoping to get the wedding of my dreams. Well I guess not hoping I am going to have the wedding of my dreams.

For crafts I am pretty much started everything. I just have to get around to finishing everything. Which should be to hard. Just a little time consuming. I am hoping that I don't have to cut any of my crafts.

I am so super excited to get married. It
is going to be such a great day.

Beyonce Concert

Monday night I went to the Toronto Molson amphitheatre to see Beyonce. It was a great show. I would totally go and watch her again. She had Rich girl and Eva Avila perform before her. Eva Avila opened the show with her hit right now. She also won Canadian Idol. I had never heard of the Rich girl before but they put on a really good show. I think they are going to hit it big. The one girl in the group can hit the high notes just like Beyonce.

Also when we were waiting for a costume change during the show. We got introduced to the all the Band members and back up signers. Anyways the one back up singer pointed out Drake. Who played Jimmy on Degrassi the new generation. Who was also dating Rihanna for a bit. Very cool.

I think the best song that she sang had to be Single Ladies!! She had a costume change just before so she had all the You Tube video's of people doing the dance before she came out. The funniest one was the Big guy doing the dance on You Tube in a black leotard. Way to funny.

All around it was a amazing. Even if we only had Lawn seats.

Belly Photo's

So my friend is just about to pop her first child and had asked me to take her Maturnity Photo's for her. I was over joyed. Of course I would do it. We had so much fun taking them. We had a great day taking them on the beach. They turned out really well. She was so happy with how they turned out.

So I hope you guys enjoy.

Also as of today she has delivered her new baby girl. Karys.

Engagment Photo's

So Saturday was the big day!! Engagement photos. We are suppose to have them taken at 11:00 in the morning. But around 10:30 the sky opened up and just poured down. It was crazy. We were so worried that we wouldn't be able to have them done. But around Noon the sun began to shine and we ended up with one beautiful day. We even got some of the photo's taken with the Cobra. It was a great day.

72 Days and counting

So there is 72 days till the wedding. I can't believe that it is coming up so fast. It's crazy. I am really excited but you think you have more time then you always do. I was looking at the at the dates today and I only have three weekends that I am free of doing anything which is really nice.

So You Think You Can Dance

So while I sit here watching So You Think You Can Dance. I am over come with all the different dances they have evented over the years. It is amazing how many different styles there are aroun the world. Like how Bollywood dances are starting to hit America like crazy from dance moves to songs. It's just amazing. It is so funny because back in high school my friend would always let us watch her Bollywood movies and we though they were cool then.

Also tonight was our last Waltz class. It was a great six week course. Made some new friends who are actually getting married three weeks before us. Way to funny. We might try Salsa dancing with them in the fall. Very cool.

Anyways I should get to bed as it is creeping up on my bedtime and I really want to finish the book I am reading.



So twitter is totally taking my time from blogging. Not going to lie. It is so much fun. At first I wasn't really sure about it. But it is a lot of fun.

Also I on the weekend was my friend Ashely and Hoskin's baby Ethan's birthday party. It was alot of fun. I made him a really cute Giraffe cake. Which I was pretty proud about. They had the party on the lake at the Cottage and boy was it super cold. It started out pretty warm then all of a sudden changed to really cold. It is suppose to be spring not fall!!!

All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!