Engagment Photo's

So Saturday was the big day!! Engagement photos. We are suppose to have them taken at 11:00 in the morning. But around 10:30 the sky opened up and just poured down. It was crazy. We were so worried that we wouldn't be able to have them done. But around Noon the sun began to shine and we ended up with one beautiful day. We even got some of the photo's taken with the Cobra. It was a great day.


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!