101 Things in 1001 Days

101 THINGS in 1001 DAYS - START DATE DECEMBER 10, 2009

Marriage and Family
1. "Date Night" with Mark once a month (3/33)
2. Surprise Mark with a gift just because
3. Get pregnant
4. Buy a kitten
5. Host Easter Dinner for both Mark's family and mine
6. Host my family for dinner
7. Host Mark's family for dinner
8. Have dinner with my parents once a month (3/33)
9. Create living wills

ind, Body & Soul
10. Lose 5lbs.
11. Go a week with out weighting myself
12. Complete some form of exercise at least 3 times per week (0/146)
13. Read at least one book per month (3/33)
14. Give up soda for a week
15. Get through a whole month with out a frozen dinner
16. Get a massage
17. Indulge in a few pedicures (0/5)
18. Get my hair highlighted
19. Take up swimming for exercise
20. Give up liquor for a month
21. Go to the eye Doctor
22. Don't eat chocolate for a week
23. Stay away from the Candy Jar on my desk for a week
24. For one week, go to bed at 9:00 pm just to read
25. Eat dinner with the television off for one week
26. Eat dinner with the television off for one month
28. After baby, get back to pre-pregnancy weight

Home Is Where the Heart Is
29. Finish the bathroom in the basement
30. Tile the floor in the basement bathroom and laundry Room
31. Clean out baking cabinet - Finished Feb 28, 2010
32. Paint Bed frame for guest bedroom
33. Paint the walls in the guest room
34. Empty entire fridge and clean it out, and put everything back in
35. Reorganize kitchen cabinets
36. Figure out something to do with the old window frame
37. Change around the living room

All Work, No Play
38. Do an enjoyment photo shoot
39. Do photo shoot with Leanne and Parker
40. Do a photo shoot with Dawn and Sandy
41. Upgrade my computer
42. Upgrade my Camera
43. Photo shoot with Lucky
44. Start Tutu Business Website
45. Do a photo shoot of my tutu's
46. Get a better job

Hit the Open Road
47. Travel to as least six different cities for weekend getaways/ vacations (1/6)
48. Travel to a foreign country (not including USA) - COMPLETED TRIP TO MEXICO
49. Go to New York City during the Christmas season
50. Start a Newly Weds Map
51. Go Camping
52. Go to another province
53. Go to a Hockey Game
54. Take a day trip to a park and have a picnic

I Love Food
55. Try at least two new recipes a month (0/66)
56. Eat salad for lunch for one week
57. Go out for Breakfast (0/5)
58. For one week, make meals that can only be made with ingredients already in our cupboards (excluding perishables - vegetables and dairy)
59. Eat yogurt every day for a week
60. Bake something without Chocolate
61. Try oatmeal again

Friends Are Forever
62. Talk to my best friend every two weeks (0/73)
63. Get together with "the girls" from college at least three times per year (0/3)
64. E-mail friends at least once per month (0/33)
65. Catch up with an old friend
66. Host a Hill Billy Party
67. Send birthday cards to all my friends and family in 2010

Pinching Pennies
68. Deposit some extra money into savings after every paycheck (0/73)
69. Increase the percentage of my income that is put into my retirement account

70. Buy an I-phone
71. Buy a Mac
72. Buy New Cake pans
73. Buy a Nintendo Wii

Pay It Forward
74. Join the Breast Cancer Society
75. Clean out closet twice a year and donate old clothes to Charity (0/6)
76. Donate Blood
77. Donate $ to Charity (0/5)
78. Mail packages to soldiers through Operation Baking Gals (0/10)

Just for Fun
79. Do a wine tour
80. Go to an amusement park
81. Go tubing in the snow
82. Go to the local museum
83. Get pictures taken in photo booth
84. Go to the drive in movies
85. Host a holiday cookie swap

Hobbies and Skills
86. Blog at least 5 times per month (2/33)
87. Start my wedding scrapbook
88. Learn to knit
89. Sew a dress
90. Make a quit - Finished for Adian James Paddle
91. Finish scrap booking 2008

Capture the Memories
92. Get photo's printed and framed to hang in front hallway
93. Get photo's printed to hang in bedroom
94. Take more home videos
95. Design a honeymoon album and get it printed
96. Participate in Project 365

No More Procrastinating
97. Finally give album changes to photographer so we can finish our wedding album - Finished March 1, 2010
98. Delete My Space profile
99. Start my own Tutu Business

101 in 1001
100. Donate $1 to charity for every item on this list that I do not complete
101. Start a new 101 things in 1001 days list once this one is completed


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!