HoneyMoon Part 2

Mark and I leaving on the jet plane to Mexico
Finally home - So we made it back safe and sound and we are totally missing the heat!

Day 1
We started out leaving the house around noon, and got to the airport with lots of time to spare. So we just hung around the airport waiting to count down until our plane would leave. Anyways are plane was delayed and since we weren't going to make it to Mexico on time they had to leave some luggage from getting on to the plane and 40 people went to Mexico with just the clothes on there backs and there carry on. Lucky we Finally home. After a week in the hot sun we have come home to some lovely white stuff. Gross, is all I can say! Anyways we had a great trip. It was so much fun. But I am guessing that some people didn't have a great first day. What happened was that our flight was delayed going to Mexico. Surprise!!! Well I guess that since our flight was delayed but so much that they didn't have enough time to load everyone were not one of those 40 people. We were so excited that it wasn't us. Anyway when we finally arrived in Cancun we could not believe the heat. What a total heat wave. It was WONDERFUL!!! Anyways we headed out of the airport and we greeted by our hotel driver and were whisked off for a week in the SUN!.

Day 2
We didn't do to much, just tried to figure our way around the place, and just hang by the pool and get a great tan. This is the view from our room! So nice.
Day 3
We ventured out and decided to take a walk outside the resort down to the mall. They told us it was about a 1/2 hour walk. Which didn't seem like that long, until you get walking. Oh my goodness the heat was a killer. We didn't think that we were going to make it to the mall. Which we finally did. So we decide to take the bus back to the resort. Which was a good plan. Anyways when we were in the mall we shopped of course, and ended up getting some really cool stuff. Like a couple of Mexican blankets. Which always come in handy.
Day 4
We not very eventful. Just stayed by the pool all day and worked on my tan, and finished my House of Night Book!! Which I am so mad that the next one Burned doesn't come out until April I think. Really they leave you with such a huge Cliff hanger and then they want you to wait. Come on. Anyways after dinner we went to this Mexican Show. It was great. They had a Mexican Band play, and they had Mayan Dancers and they had a Roster fight. It was really neat to see. I could not believe the dancers they were great.
Day 5
We finally decide to go on a extersion. We went to this well that is made from Nature. It was so cool. The water inside was really strong and heavy on your body. But so cool to look at. Then we headed off to Chitniza. Which is now one of the seven wonders of the world. Which is pretty cool. We also stopped at this Mayen restaurant for lunch and boy was that food amazing!! But I don't think I should have eaten as much as I did, because I ended up sick for the next two days. Totally not fun at all. Then when we came back we headed off to watch a Circus Show that the resort was putting on. Totally cool. I can't believe what they could do.
Day 6
Today we took the bus to the flea market. Where I bought a really cute yellow sundress and Mark bought some Cigars for his friends, when Baby Paddle arrives which should be around January 16. Then we headed off to Walmart Cancun. Can you believe it. Walmart is in Cancun, it was pretty neat to see. They had everything. Plus this huge liquor part. Which had to be about 8 or 9 isles long. Totally cool. Then we came back to the resort and just bummed around.
Day 7
Still not feeling well, we just hung around the resort, and didn't do to much. We did end up going to a Stars show at night which was pretty fun. They had Micheal Jackson, Cher, Vanilla Ice, JLO, Madonna, Sherkia and of course TINA TURNER, who was a drag queen. YES I said it, there was a drag queen doing Tina, and she was amazing. She looked a lot like the real one.
Day 8
Home Sweet Home, so we finally made it to the end of the week. Yes I was so glad to be able to get back home. I think being gone for a week we just the right amount of time. We had a great time and I totally loved the heat. But I was glad that we got to go home. We didn't end up at the house until 5 in the morning. But I was glad that we got home safe and sound.

PS - I can also mark off my 101 in 1001 days - Go to a another Country!
Nice Tans - Hanging out in the Mexican Airport


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!