So You Think You Can Dance

So while I sit here watching So You Think You Can Dance. I am over come with all the different dances they have evented over the years. It is amazing how many different styles there are aroun the world. Like how Bollywood dances are starting to hit America like crazy from dance moves to songs. It's just amazing. It is so funny because back in high school my friend would always let us watch her Bollywood movies and we though they were cool then.

Also tonight was our last Waltz class. It was a great six week course. Made some new friends who are actually getting married three weeks before us. Way to funny. We might try Salsa dancing with them in the fall. Very cool.

Anyways I should get to bed as it is creeping up on my bedtime and I really want to finish the book I am reading.



All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!