My Favourite Things

No, not Oprah's. Mine.
I was thinking about this the other day and how are it would be just to pick six things that make me happy. It is going to be hard. Anyway, on to some of the "little things in life" that make me happy.

1. A cuddly Kitty
I love going to my parents house and walking in the door and there is my little button waiting on the top of the steps for me to come in the house. Then follows me around while I unpack my stuff and waits for a drink in the bathroom sink. He is so cute when you turn on the shower all he wants to do is come in with you. Then his hair goes all curly and he smells a little funny. But when he comes in my bedroom at Seven in the morning and just wants to cuddle you just can't say no. I also love when he is sleeping on his chair in the dinning room and he goes to stretch out and ends up looking like a log. Way to funny!!

2. Shoes
I am totally obsessed with shoes. I love any kind of shoe. From Flip Flops to High heel boots. They always fit and you can usually find your size. Plus they come in great colours. I think that if I wanted to I could go for two months and not wear the same pair of shoes. I might just have to try that this Spring and Summer.

3. Fresh Baked Cookies
I love the smell of fresh cookies when the first come out of the oven. They just make my mouth water. I always wonder if I just eat one. But then I remember that they are extremely hot and not cooled down enough for human consumption.

4. Books
I love going into a book store or the library and trying to find a book for my mood. I usually ended up with some romance or teen drama but I enjoy almost anything. Sometimes I will adventure over to Suspense. I love to sit in front of a fire and just read a good book and cuddle with a nice warm blanket. 5. Sunny days.My mood is automatically better if it's sunny out. Weather plays a huge part in establishing how I feel every day. It could be colder than Antarctica outside, but if it's sunny, the day is 100x better than if it's cloudy. I just absolutely love the sunshine.6. Halloween
Halloween has to be one of the best holidays out there. It's the only day that you can dress up like a princess to something deadly, and no one cares. Plus you have all the little kids come down the street ringing your doorbell asking for candy in there cute little costumes. How can you say no to a trick or treater.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into my crazy mind and some of its simple pleasures.


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!