Operation Baking Gals

So it's time again to say thanks to the soldiers over in the east. I have joined this group called Operation Baking Gals. Where they take a solider and send him home baked cookies. It is such a wonderful cause, and you are doing something great for North America. What you do is you join a team and they give you a solider who is in need of a little extra love this month. Then you bake cookies and a letter about your self, letting them now whats going on around you and things that are happening in the real world. I can't wait to get started on baking my cookies. I am thinking about going for a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie this time. I hope they enjoy!


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!