Saturday with my Bestie

So Saturday was spent with my best friend.

I ended up going to Toronto for the day to spend time with my friends Jessi and Deeps. Well it turns out the Deeps had to cancel as she was so sick and her usual medication was not helping at all.

Anyways my trip into the big city. Well I had a great day. I picked Jessi up at her place and then we headed down town to visit my brother. Who lives just off of King Street. Anyways when we finally got to his place we headed to Queen Street. We had a great time walking around and looking in all the stores. It was so much fun. We got to see a movie being made right down on Queen Street. It was so cool. They had a chase scene and they were using all of these Taxi's cabs and they had a NY city police car. WAY cool. Then they were shooting this one scene with a whole bunch of guys dresses in SWAT. We were thinking that if we had time we would go and see if we could be extras in the movie. I think that it would have been way to much fun. Anyways we headed back to Rob's place to drop him off, and then headed to the Cupcakery.

Well the Cupcakery. What can I say. They have the best after eight cupcakes I have ever had. Well this is the first time I am ever trying them, but they were so wonderful. Jessi couldn't believe that they are charging $2.50 a cupcake. I told that what they usually charge if you go any where else also. She just couldn't believe it.

Then we headed to the first of three Dollar Stores. That's right we hit up three DOLLAR STORES. Oh my god did my feet ever hurt plus it was raining totally not a fun thing to do in the rain.

Anyways we finally found what we were looking for at the last dollar store of course. Isn't that how it always goes. Oh well. It was a fun time. We found these IV bags filled with candy liquid that looks like blood. It has to be one of the grossest things I have ever seen. So of course we had to get some for the Halloween party. They are going to be a huge hit I hope. Then we also picked up some blood hand prints and feet. So cool.

So after our adventure in the land of dollar stores we headed to the movies. We went and saw FAME!!! It was great. We had seen the play together when it was at the Royal Alexander or the Princess I can't remember. Anyways we couldn't wait for them to come out with the movie. It was really good. I just didn't like that they had to leave the best song for last. Which is of course. FAME. So as Jessi and I watched we totally had to sing. It was in our blood.

After FAME we headed back to Jessi's place for a night of tie dying. Mark's friend's wife is having a baby and she is due in January and I had though that it would be a fun idea if I had tie dyed oneies for her. So they turned out great. Jessi and I couldn't believe who neat they looked. But on a sad note. We couldn't find anything else in her apartment that we could dye. We were totally on a dye high. Then we ended up watching Strike, which is such a funny movie and hanging out and then I headed for the home land. I couldn't believe all the rain that I had to get though to get home. Totally not called for. This is September not April.

Well I got home safe and sound and headed right to bed. It was a long day!

Friday = Nothing to do!

So it's Friday night and I am out of things to do. I have already started the gave stones for the Halloween party, and finished cutting out the headstones for the invitations and now I am just sitting around thinking of more things that I can do for the party.

I can't wait to start setting everything up on next weekend. Mark said that since it's the first of the month everything can turn to Halloween!!! I am so excited.

So for tonight I am just sitting at home taking it easy and watching some TV. I can't believe all the shows that there is to watch right now. I love the end of September.

Well calling it a night and going to go and rel ex and watch some TV!!!

Halloween Time Agian!!

So the count down is on.....Halloween is just around the corner. I can't wait. Halloween has to be my favourite holiday of all time. Plus a big bonus is that this year it's on a Saturday! So that means that I get to plan the party of the year. Well besides my wedding that is. HE HE HE. I can't wait I hit up the dollar store after work tonight for decorations. I think I think I could have spent way over 40 dollars in there, getting supplies. But I had to remember that I still have not gotten out my stuff from last year. Well this year I am hoping to go as a Mummy. I have already started to put together my costume and I think it's going to be a killer. Plus I have started making the grave stones for everyone who is coming. That will sit outside on the lawn, as long as it doesn't rain or snow. EW. That's all we need.

Plus I am still trying to think about what I am going to do for the dinner part of the night. I am totally going to make Pumpkin Cupcake Pops. You can't go wrong with them. Plus Mark will be able to eat them because they don't have chocolate in them. SWEET!!! I was thinking of doing a punch with the frozen hand it in it. Plus I picked up the Martha Stewart Halloween Magazine. She is my idol. Except for the whole jail thing. Anyways she has some great idea's for halloween food in her book.

Now I just have to finish the invitations which are going to be little grave stones with bloody writing on them. I hope my friends enjoy. I will post pictures when they are finshed and printed.

Now it's time to go and count down until GRAY'S!!!

Operation Baking Gals

So it's time again to say thanks to the soldiers over in the east. I have joined this group called Operation Baking Gals. Where they take a solider and send him home baked cookies. It is such a wonderful cause, and you are doing something great for North America. What you do is you join a team and they give you a solider who is in need of a little extra love this month. Then you bake cookies and a letter about your self, letting them now whats going on around you and things that are happening in the real world. I can't wait to get started on baking my cookies. I am thinking about going for a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie this time. I hope they enjoy!

Weekend of the Whale

Well this weekend Mark and I took his friends Travis, Sonya, Sandy and Dawn to Marineland. We had a great time on Saturday. We spent the whole day at Marineland and then off to Mac and Angelo's for dinner. Then everyone ended up at our place for drinks. It turned out to be a great day.

So we started off by watching the cute walrus. They have two of them and we came at the right time to watch them as they were feeding. They were so cute.

Then off to watch the main show. It was great. It was a little cold in the shade but we had fun. There were seals, Dolphins, and a big Walrus. I loved watching the dolphins flip in the air. They are so graceful. At the end of the show we had a Walrus blowing us kisses good-bye.

Then for my favourite mammal. The beluga Whale. I think they are so graceful and they are so smooth and just always have a smile. I really wanted to feed them but I didn't want to pay the money. So we just skipped over that part. Then we headed down to the Killer Whale show. So we had time before the show started to so we went down to watch them from the underground viewing. What we didn't expect to see was the whales having sex. Way to funny. I wasn't sure how the parents were going to explain that to there children.

After we finished with the animals we headed to the rides. I was brave and went on Dragon Mountain. Which I don't think I would do again. Boy was I scared. Plus I smashed my ear on the side of my arm rest going around one of the loops. Totally not cool at all. Then everyone wanted to head up the mountain to the drop zone ride. I could not believe how long it took us to walk up the hill. But it ended out day on a good note.

Married Life

Well it's the end of single life finally. Two weeks ago tomorrow I married my best friend. It turned out to be such a great day. So in the Morning I was getting just a little bit stressed. We started out with walking up to a huge down pour of rain. Totally not called for at all. Then we made it to the hair dressers and had a great time hanging out there. Then when we were finished we packed up and headed home in another huge down pour. Finally around noon the skys finally closed up and we ended up with a wonderful afternoon. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

We had photo's taken at the house and Mark had one of the groomsmen drop flowers off for me, he had brought me white roses from a place in Niagara on the lake. They smelled so nice. Then we headed for the church, and boy was that an adventure trying to get me in the car. We finally made it and my dad and I were getting ready to walk down the isel one of my friends Wally started crying and my dad was like running down the isel with me. It was way to funny. Everyone was like slow down. Finally we were at the front, and I got to be with Mark. It was so much fun.

More later.

All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!