The Big One Month Mark

The Big One Month Mark

So yesterday was one month to go until the big day! August 22, 2009. I can't believe that is is coming up so fast. I remember back also most two years when we first got engaged. Wow how time fly's.

I am on schedule with everything which is a bonus, and I am hoping to get the wedding of my dreams. Well I guess not hoping I am going to have the wedding of my dreams.

For crafts I am pretty much started everything. I just have to get around to finishing everything. Which should be to hard. Just a little time consuming. I am hoping that I don't have to cut any of my crafts.

I am so super excited to get married. It
is going to be such a great day.

Beyonce Concert

Monday night I went to the Toronto Molson amphitheatre to see Beyonce. It was a great show. I would totally go and watch her again. She had Rich girl and Eva Avila perform before her. Eva Avila opened the show with her hit right now. She also won Canadian Idol. I had never heard of the Rich girl before but they put on a really good show. I think they are going to hit it big. The one girl in the group can hit the high notes just like Beyonce.

Also when we were waiting for a costume change during the show. We got introduced to the all the Band members and back up signers. Anyways the one back up singer pointed out Drake. Who played Jimmy on Degrassi the new generation. Who was also dating Rihanna for a bit. Very cool.

I think the best song that she sang had to be Single Ladies!! She had a costume change just before so she had all the You Tube video's of people doing the dance before she came out. The funniest one was the Big guy doing the dance on You Tube in a black leotard. Way to funny.

All around it was a amazing. Even if we only had Lawn seats.

Belly Photo's

So my friend is just about to pop her first child and had asked me to take her Maturnity Photo's for her. I was over joyed. Of course I would do it. We had so much fun taking them. We had a great day taking them on the beach. They turned out really well. She was so happy with how they turned out.

So I hope you guys enjoy.

Also as of today she has delivered her new baby girl. Karys.

Engagment Photo's

So Saturday was the big day!! Engagement photos. We are suppose to have them taken at 11:00 in the morning. But around 10:30 the sky opened up and just poured down. It was crazy. We were so worried that we wouldn't be able to have them done. But around Noon the sun began to shine and we ended up with one beautiful day. We even got some of the photo's taken with the Cobra. It was a great day.

All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!