Valentines Day - A day to Remember

So it's Valentines Day. As some people think that today is this wonderful day and it's suppose to be a special day. I think about to my Opa. I can't believe that it has been 10 years since he passed.

When I was little I used to love waking up in the morning and going out to the kitchen to find some chocolates from my parents and a sweet card. Then 10 years ago. We had a very sad Valentines day. It was day that we had to finally bury my Opa. It was such a wonder man. He came over from Holland to follow my Oma's family, so he could marry her. They were finally married. Then then started a Butcher Shop on there farm. Which then grew so big that they had to find a bigger place. So my Opa built a new building and since my Oma loved to cook he decided to attach a Restaurant to the other end of the Butcher shop. Over time it has become one of the best home cooking Restaurants in town. So when we were little we would get the bus to the Butcher Shop and my Opa would be waiting for us, kids so he could take us on delivery's with him. It was always a fun time. We would always stop to get a milk shake, or some candy. Some days I miss him so much, he was always so funny. If he couldn't remember he would call you Joppie. He would also fall asleep in the chair in the restaurant, and my Oma would get so mad. Anyways he ended up getting really sick, and was on bed rest for a while then he had a heart attack and ended up i the hospital. So my family would take turns staying at the hospital, and then finally at 5 am on the 12 of February my Opa passed away. My dad was the last one to see him alive. Which is a nice thing since my dad was the first born. Anyways the funeral was huge. We had my family from Holland, and Alberta. They came from everywhere. Anyways we had the burial on Valentines day, and boy was it cold. I still to this day look back at it and just remember all the people that were there for us. I still can't believe that it has been 10 year. I still miss him like huge.

Anyways on a brighter note. Here is a link to a great Valentines Day Craft that I can't wait to make for next year.

I totally love Creative Crate.


All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!