Bestie's Birthday

So last weekend was Bestie's birthday. Well Friday the 16th. So of course we had to go out for it. Anyways we ended up heading to Dave and Busters all 6 of us. It was a great time. We had dinner and then finished off by playing a few games in the midway. Of course they had Dance Dance revolution, and me being in heels of course had to try it out. Boy was the a huge mistake. Well what can I say I am totally do not work with heels a little alcohol and coronation. Oh well maybe I will be better next time. HE HE HE.

Anyways for Besties birthday I wanted to make something special so I ended up with a wonderful chocolate cake made from scratch with vanilla icing and black and pink fondant which I made myself. Anyways here is a few pictures of what became the best morning cake ever. Yes I said morning cake. Because well we didn't get home all to early and weren't really in the mood for food. So when we got up we had it for breakfast. Best idea ever bestie!!!

Anyways on to the photos. I hope you enjoy!

Turkey Time

So the time as come again. It's Thanksgiving. Which has to be one of the best holidays. You get a day off work plus you get to eat as much pumpkin pie as you want. Who could ask for more. Really is there anything better. I think not!

So for the long weekend we headed by to my little home town. Where the fair was on. I have been going to the fair since forever. When we were in Elementary school and high school we use to get the Tuesday off before Thanksgiving and we would go and cheer for your school and show school sprit.

Anyways as we are not in school anymore we had to go on the weekend which was as much fun as ever. We always stop to get Fudge and of course you have to have some Taffy. You just can't turn it down. Then make sure you get some of the butterfly chips which are to die for. Then when you are ended the day at the fair you can take a ride down the fun slide and stop in a see the largest pumpkin. Which this year was a whopping 1410lbs. Can you believe that someone could grow something so big. WOW just WOW.

Happy Birthday to my Blog

So Blog we have come a long way. I can't believe that you are one. So for your special day I have made you a wonderful cake. Which I can't wait to bite into tonight. Well actually I made it as a test for my friend Jessi's birthday party. But why not try it out for something fun. Anyways I can't believe that my blog is one! That is so exciting, that I should really set some goals for this coming year. Like maybe to write in my blog more then I have this past year. Stuff like that. I was also thinking about doing the 100 in 1001 days. I think it will be a neat little boost. Anyways if you haven't heard of 100 in 1001 days. What it is, you have to set your self some realistic goals for the coming two years. Things that you think you can manage. Its a great goal to strive for and it is a ton of fun to do. I have started my list and am hoping to be able to start the first of November.

All about Me

A newlywed who was married August 22, 2009, Martha Stewart wannnabee, and self-proclaimed queen (of my household anyways). I love to bake and entertain for my friends.
I am totally over the moon with cupcakes, and everything that has to do with them. I want to travel the world and visit the all the great wonders this world has to offer. I'm new to blogging so thanks for reading along while I figure out where it's going to take me!